
I feel curious about a lot of things; Life, Evolution, People, Animals, Nature, Engineering, Science, Love, Hate, Development happening in the world. The path which provides an opportunity to observe, understand and think about them seems most concrete and meaningful to me. I feel grateful that our existence as human beings can explore all these... Continue Reading →

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Understanding the Journey from App Icon to User Interface in Android

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens when you tap on the app icon on your Android device? It's a seamless process for users, but behind the scenes, there's a series of intricate steps that take place to launch the application and render its user interface. Icon Click Triggers an Intent: The journey begins when... Continue Reading →

Idea Behind The Logo

My name starts with A. Akash means sky. The sky is Infinite. I love the concept of constant questioning, constant learning; Constantly contemplating, observing and keep thinking creatively about life, people, animals, nature and the shortcomings. About nature of my mental illness, reasons, solutions, uses of different emotions. I love the concept of The Art... Continue Reading →

The Art Spirit

'Art, when really understood, is a province of every human being. It is simply a question of doing anything well. It is not an outside extra thing. When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressing creature. He becomes interesting to other... Continue Reading →

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